
University of Tennessee

Chattanooga, TN

Aug 2022 – present

  • •M.S. in Computer Science, CGPA: 4.00/4.00
  • •Concentration: Data Science
  • •Total Course Credits : 6
  • •Graduate Coursework:
  • Programming Languages for Advance Data Analytics (CPSC 5180), Fundamentals of Computer Science (CPSC 5000), Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (MATH 2030), Introduction to Machine Learning (CPSC 5400)(Percentage - 99.65%), Principals of Data Analytics (CPSC 5240), Structuring Programs and Data (CPSC 5010)

    Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

    Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Feb 2016 – Feb 2021

  • •Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, CGPA: 3.19/4.00
  • •Concentration: Environmental Engineering
  • •Total Credit Hours: 160

  • Test Scores


    Listening  - 8.5

    Reading    - 7.0

    Writing     - 7.0

    Speaking  - 6.5

    Overall     - 7.5


    Score:305- Dec 2021

    Quant - 157

    Verbal - 148


    Graduate Research Assistant

    University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

    Sep 2022 – Present

  • •Estimation of fitness advantages of SARS-CoV-2 variants in several geographic locations using Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data(GISAID) data set.